Revisions: Modernist Sculptures by Rodin, Lipchitz, and Moore
May 9 – November 5, 2006
Installation view
Auguste Rodin, Jacques Lipchitz and Henry Moore each championed sculptural innovations in European modernism and challenged notions of representation that had informed Western art since the Renaissance.
From the last quarter of the nineteenth to the middle of the twentieth century, they reinvigorated the figurative academic tradition. At the same time, each also developed individual styles that addressed broader artistic movements of the period: the realism of Rodin, the cubism of Lipchitz, and the surrealism of Moore.
While demonstrating important changes in style from one artist to the other, Revisions also focused on the subjects and themes shared by all three. This exhibition was drawn from the Smart Museum’s rich holdings of bronzes as well as sculptures in other materials by these leading European masters of early modernism.