The Theatrical Baroque
The late sixteenth and seventeenth centuries are frequently labeled the age of theater, and this series of essays investigates the dialogue between the newly invigorated theater and the plastic arts.
As a component of one of the Smart's Mellon projects, The Theatrical Baroque features contributions from professor Larry F. Norman and several students, written in conjunction with a course at the University of Chicago. The topics covered include spectator and spectacle, social performance and the staging of the individual, the shaping of space and time, and debates over the connections between visual and theatrical representations and the objects they portray.
Larry F. Norman with contributions by Josh Ellenbogen, Brandy Flack, Rebekah Flohr, Anita M. Hagerman-Young, Robert S. Huddleston, Matt Hunter, Véronique Sigu, Kerry Wilks, and Delphine Zurfluh
Publication date
February 2001
Paper, 70 pages, 8 color plates, 34 halftones
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Available for $22 online through the University of Chicago Press or in person in the Smart Museum Shop