A Guide to the Collection
Published on the occasion of the fifteenth anniversary of the Smart Museum of Art, this handsome volume documents the rapid emergence of one of America's leading university collections.
The book celebrates not only the Museum's acquisitions of major art, including those previously collected by the University itself since its founding in 1891, but also the richness and vitality of scholarship at the University of Chicago.
Together with the beautiful color reproductions, the essays, authored by distinguished faculty, alumni, and advanced graduate students in the Department of Art, illustrate the special nature of a university art museum.
Catalogue entries focus on problems of iconography, technique, stylistic influence and dissemination, attribution, and historical context.
Edited by Sue Taylor and Richard Born
Publication date
216 pages, 99 color plates, 8 black and white illustrations
Purchase this catalogue
Available for $45 (hardcover) or $25 (softcover) in person in the Smart Museum Shop.