Free and open to the public
April 17, 2025
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Join University of Chicago's student poetry group "Catcher in the Rhyme” for a poetry presentation, embedded in the vibrant Give the Drummer Some! installation by South Side artist, designer, and educator Robert Earl Paige. The poets turn to the rhythm and movement of Paige’s patterns and motifs for inspiration. Free, register online; walk-ins also welcome.
Catcher in the Rhyme is a student-run organization to encourage self-expression through spoken word poetry both on campus and off. Whether through open mics, weekly meetings, or hosting and attending events, Catcher and the Rhyme seeks to promote the voice of the individual. In the past, we've heard poems about lost love, politics, Burger King wedding vows, and so much more. We're here to make sure that the many talented voices of our community have the chance to explore the genre, learning and growing as writers, performers, and people.