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A wireframe model of a statuette

From the Blog

3D Model: Children and Lion Dancer

Use your Android or iOS device to view an augmented reality (AR) model of a small ivory statuette on display in Meiji Modern

The Religious Experience of Mark Rothko

Can art and the experience of art be divine? Mark Rothko’s No. 2 offers alternative ways to think about religion. A Smart Sightings reflection offered in collaboration with the Divinity School’s Martin Marty Center. 

Caught Between Text and Image

The juxtaposition of paintings by Il Pordenone and Noël Hallé reflects the conceit of the exhibition: the value and dangers of comparison. A Smart Sightings reflection offered in collaboration with the Divinity School’s Martin Marty Center. 

Unfurling Color

In an often bloody and fiery world, we must ask how beauty and devastation are construed, how color and valuation are apprehended, and how these considerations will inform us. A Smart Sightings reflection on Sam Gilliam’s Rim, offered in collaboration with the Divinity School’s Martin Marty Center. 

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