Julia's photo and signature

I never really know how to answer the question of who I am, and what secret things about me make me different from everybody else. Just beneath the surface, I'm a drama queen, terrified of being bored, and solving that problem by making every mundane thing into some large issue. I can be cruel, and I can be caring, but sometimes it takes more effort for the caring. The facts of my life I'm pretty up-front about, it's the emotions behind them that I have trouble expressing. My life: I sometimes retreat to my basement to work on the dollhouse my father built for me in 4th grade. I can't stop doodling and drawing throughout class, practicing a certain image until I've captured it. I loose myself in the different worlds that books take me to, tucked in the quiet cove of my room, curled up in my easy chair. If all these facts make up me, so be it. But I would like to think that there's some underlying substance that separates me from all those other dollhouse-obsessed, doodling, book-thirsty girls out there. And maybe I just haven't discovered it yet.


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