Charlie Cooper, English Teacher, Gage Park High School, Chicago

Some interesting things have happened with the “Raisin in the Sun” Adaptation project already: first, that the more there is involvement of the students (in this case performing the play for one another) the more personal investment there is in the students. My students have been more emotional in their defense or judgment of characters because of having either “walked a mile in their shoes” or because they’ve been victims of that character’s actions. Because of this personal investment learning happens at a deeper level since students have “lived through” these experiences. Secondly, students have been much more creative, innovative and imaginative as they’ve found a variety of modes/vehicles in which to express their deep thoughts and feelings about the characters, themes and symbols of the play (i.e., music, collage’, art, etc.).
So, having participated in debate, engaged in and “lived” the play, students are now ready to take on adapting the play to get across the same profound and important truths as Lorraine Hansberry. Students will be working in the weeks ahead to “distil” these truths and then transplant them into a vehicle of the students’ own choosing (poetry, drama, skit, etc.)
Students have already risen to the challenge and are in the midst of refining their proposals for a final project. More soon…